

A sweet friend came back from Duke and arranged a gathering.
At IFC Greyhound.

Saw this restaurant once at Tai Koo Shing
Always queues at lunch time
look nice and expensive

So yes, i went there,
without any expectation that this turned out to be an MBA lecture

4 other girls there, all are my friends,
3 of whom I had no idea that they are going for MBA as well,
until then.

Fxxk. If I have known this, I would not have come.
All talking about schools in US.
And somewhere in the conversation, pregnancy is discussed in details.

Two have long term boyfriends in U.S., and both rich as hell.
The other one is going with her husband (both for MBA! Just imagine that...)

All are fantasizing their glamours life in one year, or sooner.
And I am still stuck in big4.

The sparkling moment of the evening -
average 180 per person only
and the food is delicious indeed (Thai style)
