Washington Post
BAGHDAD, June 19
The two-year,
no-bid contracts will be awarded to companies that have been advising the Iraqi Oil Ministry in recent years, said Asim Jihad, a spokesman for the ministry. He said officials expect that U.S.-based Exxon Mobil and Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell, France's Total and British oil company BP will secure the biggest contracts...
...Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Thursday said the U.S. government
played no role in securing the deals. She called the impending contracts a sign that security gains are attracting foreign investment in Iraq.
賴斯這都能說出口...伊拉克人的購買力能吸引外資? 所謂外資特指基建和石油吧...
Finally, mission accomplished !
This is why 4000 american soliders died ?
We paid tax for war, Exxon gets the profit .
這或許對了,但no-bid露了馬腳--顯然要犧牲伊拉克人民利益換取big oil利益嘛!...
可以預見的是隨著油價繼續飚高,不反對big oil剝削伊拉克的美國人會越來越多--他們總得為家里的SUV說點話.